The Robin, Erithacus rubecula (Passeriformes, Turdidae), as a Component of Heterotrophic Consortia of Forest Cenoses, Northeast Ukraine. Part 2

Chaplygina, À. Â., Yuzyk, D. I., Savynska, N. O.



The robin is a consort of determinants of autotrophic consortia, which core is represented mostly by dominating species of deciduous trees (Quercus robur Linnaeus, 1753, Tilia cordata Miller, 1768, Acer platanoides Linnaeus, 1753, Acer campestre Linnaeus, 1753), and also by sedges (Carex sp.) and grasses (Poaceae), connected with the determinants by fabric links. The robin also belongs to the concentr of the second and higher orders as a component of forest biogeocenoses and it is also the main determinant in species composition of the insects inhabiting bird nests. As a result of the taxonomic analysis of invertebrates in the robin nests, it has been found out that the most numerous class was Insecta (9 orders and 27 families), with the dominance of Coleoptera (30.7 %). Th e nidicolous fauna of the robin (38 species) was dominated by zoophages along with parasites and hematophages such as Hippoboscidae (46.4 %). The percentage of phytophages and saprophages among the invertebrate nest inhabitants was somewhat less (21 % each), then followed necrophages (12 %). Zoophages and parasites also dominated according to the number of objects in the nests (42 %; n = 150), the less was the portion of phytophages (34 %), saprophages (18 %), and necrophages (6 %). Th e highest number of species and objects of zoophages was recorded for climax and mature biocenoses (oak forests in NNP “HL” and pine cenoses in NNP “H”).