An Investigation of Embryo and Eggshell Development in Trichuris suis (Nematoda, Trichuridae) under Laboratory Conditions

Yevstafieva, V. A., Yuskiv, I. D., Melnychuk ,V. V.



Peculiarities of embryogenesis morphology and biometric parameters of Trichuris suis Schrank, 1788 eggs sampled from diff erent organic substrates are described. The eggs of T. suis under laboratory conditions at a temperature of 27 °Ñ reach the infectious stage in 40 days and pass through seven stages of embryogenesis. The study revealed signifi cant differences in growth and development of eggs obtained from the nematode gonads and the faeces of infected animals (Sus scrofa domesticus Linnaeus, 1758), according to length and width of eggs and eggshell plugs. The excreted T. suis eggs were shown to be better adapted to environment (survivability 96.6 ± 0.33 %), than the eggs obtained from the gonads of female nematodes (survivability 89.3 ± 0.33 %).