Endohelminths of Cypriniform Fish from Waterbodies of the Syrdarya River: Fauna and Distribution

Safarova, F. E., Akramova, F. D., Azimov, D. A., Golovanov ,V. I., Shakarboev, E. B.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/vzoo-2015-0007


Fauna and distribution patterns of the endohelminths of Cypriniformes from water bodies of the mid-course of the Syrdarya River were investigated. Forty-nine endohelminth species were recorded from Cypriniformes in this region, including 18 species of trematodes, 13 species of cestodes, 14 species of nematodes and 4 species of acanthocephalans. Twenty-nine species are fi rst reported from this region. Original data on the composition and structure of endohelminth communities are given.