Ecological and Faunistic Review of Ground Beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in Gomel Urbocenosis (Republic of Belarus)

Halinouski, M. H., Krytskaya, A. M.



Th e results of our own investigations as well as the literary data about ground beetle fauna of Gomel’ city are summarized in the article. The assessment of species composition and a wide range of carabidocomplexes ecological parameters have been examined. 131 ground beetles species have been detected for urbancenosis of Gomel’ city (41 per cent of species registered on the territory of the Republic of Belarus). In general, ground beetles of Gomel’ city are presented quite well in the Palearctic and their communitites are basically composed of fi eld, meadow, and forest mesophilous and mesoxerophilous species but small in size populations in urbancenosis.